French American International School Review

Imagine a place where your child can explore the world without leaving the classroom, where languages and cultures blend seamlessly, and where academic excellence meets global citizenship. Welcome to the French American International School (FAIS) in San Francisco—a unique educational experience that promises to transform your child’s future.

The Best of Both Worlds: Bilingual Education

At FAIS, the curriculum is a harmonious blend of the rigorous French national curriculum and the innovative practices of the U.S. education system. This bilingual approach ensures that by the end of Cycle 1 (Kindergarten), students begin to read in English, and by the end of Cycle 2 (Grade 3), they are proficient in both English and French. By Grade 6, students are ready to tackle any academic subject in both languages.

This dual-language immersion not only enhances cognitive abilities but also fosters a deep appreciation for different cultures. As one parent noted, “The multicultural curriculum has been instrumental in honing our three children’s language skills and in giving them a global perspective. The emphasis on diversity and cultural exchange has broadened their perspectives and nurtured a deep appreciation for different cultures.”

A Global Perspective: International Baccalaureate Program

FAIS is not just about learning languages; it’s about thinking globally. The International Baccalaureate (IB) program offered at the high school level is a testament to this commitment. This inquiry-based, collaborative program encourages students to develop their own ideas and opinions, preparing them for the complexities of the modern world. One high schooler shared, “I’ve definitely learned how valuable it is to be open-minded and to be curious. The IB program has always ingrained in me the importance of coming up with my own thoughts and ideas.”

Beyond the Classroom: Extracurricular Excellence

FAIS believes that education extends beyond the classroom. The school offers a plethora of extracurricular activities that cater to a wide range of interests. From competitive team sports that foster teamwork and leadership to world travel programs that provide transformative learning experiences, the opportunities are endless.

The athletic program at FAIS is particularly noteworthy. Integrated into the school’s educational philosophy, it emphasizes commitment, leadership, and sportsmanship. Students participate in various sports throughout the year, often trying new activities for the first time in middle or high school. This holistic approach to physical education helps students develop healthy practices of mind, body, and character.

Unforgettable Experiences: Global Travel Programs

One of the standout features of FAIS is its global travel programs. Every year, students embark on trips that are not just vacations but immersive learning experiences. These trips have specific themes—athletic, linguistic, or scientific—and always include a cultural and service learning dimension. These journeys allow students to enhance their linguistic proficiency and gain a deeper understanding of different cultures, truly embodying the school’s mission and values.

A Community Like No Other

FAIS is more than just a school; it’s a vibrant, supportive community. The school prides itself on creating an inclusive environment where students, parents, and teachers form lasting relationships. This sense of community is evident in the numerous opportunities for parents to get involved, from participating in the conseil de classe to joining the parent association meetings.

One parent reflected on their experience, saying, “Our family chose French American and International for the gift of a bilingual education at a young age. The school and its community have given us so much more—enduring friendships, the surprises of global travel, finding joy in the challenge of scholarship—for which we are forever grateful.”

The Verdict: Why Choose FAIS?

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. FAIS stands out for its unique blend of bilingual education, global perspective, and strong community values. The school’s commitment to academic excellence, cultural diversity, and holistic development ensures that your child will not only excel academically but also grow into a well-rounded, globally-minded individual.

In the words of a proud student, “I study French, Spanish, and English. Learning multiple languages, I feel like I’ve been able to connect with more people. Knowing other languages helps you get closer to a lot of people. Sometimes my friends and I will have a conversation in Spanish just to speak Spanish, which I feel is really cool.”

So, if you’re looking for an educational experience that goes beyond the ordinary, where your child can thrive in a multicultural environment and develop a global perspective, the French American International School is the place to be. Come and see for yourself why FAIS is not just a school, but a gateway to the world.

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